I had a minimalistic Ember project in which I wanted to use Leaflet maps. I quickly found out about the ember-leaflet project. I added the ember-leaflet.js dependency to my index.html and following code into my ember application:
App.TileLayer = EmberLeaflet.TileLayer.extend({ tileUrl: 'http://localhost:7000/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png' }); App.MapView = EmberLeaflet.MapView.extend({ childLayers: [App.TileLayer], center: [34.227, -118.55], zoom: 11 });Only problem I had with this, was that the leaflet map was taking too much space. Basically it filled the whole ember view. So, when I had other stuff in my handlebars template (besides the <div id="map"></div> placeholder), the map would fill the whole template pouring over the other elements that I had in my template. This is why I ended up creating another ember view inside the outer view that would only contain the map. Then in the parent template I would have all my html elements as before but where I previously had the div-placeholder for the map, I put {{render "map"}} and then in map.hbs file just the map-div: <div id="map"></div>.
So far so good.
I also needed draw controls and sure enough, Leaflet.Draw had everything I wanted. I added the css and js files into my project and added following options to my map configuration:
App.MapView = EmberLeaflet.MapView.extend({ childLayers: [App.TileLayer], center: [34.227, -118.55], zoom: 11, options: { drawControl: true } });That would show the controls on the map just fine, but I wanted to get the edit controls working as well and as Leaflet.Draw documentation tells us I needed to create the Draw controls myself. I wasn't quite sure where to put that code so I ended up overriding the didCreateLayer and initialising the drawing controls there. But I still wasn't able to hook to all the events that Leaflet.Draw provides. Of course, I probably could have gotten the leaflet map handle from ember-leaflet and attach my event handler directly there, but that seemed like a hack. Going through the ember-leaflet code I noticed that it internally uses concatenatedProperties: ['events'] to gather all supported events. After that I just introduced that property in my derived view and added all Leaflet.Draw events there. At that point the code looked like this:
App.MapView = EmberLeaflet.MapView.extend({ childLayers: [App.TileLayer], center: [34.227, -118.55], zoom: 11, events: [ 'draw:created', 'draw:edited', 'draw:deleted', 'draw:drawstart', 'draw:drawstop', 'draw:editstart', 'draw:editstop', 'draw:deletestart', 'draw:deletestop' ], didCreateLayer: function () { this._super(); var map = this.get('layer'), drawnItems = new L.FeatureGroup(), drawControl; this.set('drawnItems', drawnItems); map.addLayer(this.drawnItems); drawControl = new L.Control.Draw({ edit: { featureGroup: this.drawnItems } }); map.addControl(drawControl); }, "draw:created": function (e) { var layer = e.layer, type = e.layerType, drawnItems = this.get('drawnItems'), bounds; drawnItems.addLayer(layer); return this; } });
That was it. Now I'm able to get all the Leaflet.Draw events to my view.
Thanks for this post! If you want to create a stub for an EmberLeaflet.DrawLayer class, I'd be happy to link to it from the EmberLeaflet repo or even include it.